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Media Training Events - Gold Coast Australia - learn to become an artful and skillful communicator drawing upon linguistic tools from NLP. Overcome anxiety and build confidence in public speaking. Practise the debating skills of master communicators with an NLP Coach, Give Abby a call on 07 5562 5718 or use the contact form to send me an email.
Hosted by Abby Eagle - Gold Coast Australia
We hold these events to empower you to empower others – to transform lives and to make a positive impact in the world.
The way we empower you is by providing a safe space in which you can practise your presentation skills with support from an NLP Coach.
Our media training events are modelled after a current affairs television show where there is a host, a panel and a studio audience in which you will be given the opportunity to take on various roles and practise your presentation and communication skills.
Whether your focus is on delivering a presentation, debating, rhetoric, participating in a forum, hosting a meeting, team building, networking, comedy or practising your acting skills these media training events are an opportunity for you to step up to the next best version of yourself.
- learn how to emulate your role models
- build confidence in public speaking
- learn to manage your emotions
- learn how to be more playful
- practise debating techniques
- learn how to answer different types of questions
- improve your negotiation skills
- develop stage presence and charisma
- learn how to create harmony
- learn how to recognise and communicate with different personality types
- discover your personal leadership style
- step up to the next best version of yourself
Read what Paul has to say:
"Abby's course Media Training Events is really great. I got lots of ideas and lots of experience being in front of the camera. I learnt how to communicate effectively and how to present arguments. It was great being able to watch the videos being played back so that I could see how I communicated. It was a great bunch of participants, each of us being challenged to step outside our comfort zone." Paul Herman
Confidence comes not just from having practice at public speaking and debating but in learning how to think and formulate questions, statements and commands.
- Abby Eagle’s job as an NLP Coach is to support each participant in becoming the best version of themselves.
- A film crew may film the event, contingent upon resources and agreement from the participants.
- Discussion segments are limited to 5-10 minutes.
- If you get hooked into an argument then you can call time out and ask for help.
- At times, selected video segments may be posted to YouTube so that you can see how you performed on camera.
Talk Show
- There is a moderator, host, panel, camera operator and an audience.
- The host comments on a topical piece of news and asks a question.
How To Answer A Question
Get practice in responding to different types of questions.
The Debate
- Practise your debating skills.
The Leader / Press Conference
- The speaker gives a 3-5 minute inspirational and motivational speech.
- A number of journalists interview the speaker.
Hostility / Censorship
- How to deal with a hostile host.
- How to deal with a hostile speaker.
- How to deal with protestors.
The Interview
- Practise being the interviewer and the interviewee.
The Negotiation
- Practise your negotiation skills.
Comedy / Satire
- Tell jokes and/or practise being light hearted and funny.
- Humour and comedy is welcome in all the game plans so let's have fun.
Degree of Difficulty
Level 1. Respectful, kind and considerate.
Level 2. Some interruptions.
Level 3. Chaos: where everyone talks, interrupts, shouts and do what they can to make life difficult for the presenter.
Most of the course materials are on the website however you will receive some A4 handouts at each of the events. Therefore it would be a good idea for you to get yourself an A4 workbook or folder that you can use to collate your notes for future reference.
After the media training event everyone is invited to share lunch together at a local cafe. This will give you the opportunity to review your experiences in the workshp and consolidate your learnings and understandings. It is also an opportunity to network and build long standing friendships.
Panel Discussion
Click the Image to Watch on YouTube
Hostility Training
Click the Image to Watch on YouTube
Click the Image to Watch on YouTube
The aim is to keep a record of participation, roles taken, degrees of difficulty and benchmarking scores that participants may add to their resume.
Participants are invited to take a Personality test, the Political Spectrum test and also have a look at the page on NLP Meta Programs - NLP Meta Programs being perceptual filters which cluster together to form personality type. This will help you to understand yourself and others much better.
Take the Personality Hacker Test
Take the Political Spectrum Test
If there is agreement to film an event then all participants will need to sign a release form.
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Paul: "Abby's course Media Training Events is really great. I got lots of ideas and lots of experience being in front of the camera. I learnt how to communicate effectively and how to present arguments. It was great being able to watch the videos being played back so that I could see how I communicated. It was a great bunch of participants, each of us being challenged to step outside our comfort zone." Paul Herman (10/08/2017)
Ian: "Improves every time, the skill of the panel, moderator and audience. We are becoming a better integrated group even with differing opinions. It is gratifying to see the progression in our media skills in many different ways". Ian Skennerton (12/08/2017)
Des: "The best part about the Media Training Events was the opportunity to be on the panel in front of the camera. As a film maker I am more comfortable being behind the camera lens and at first I was quite nervous about stepping out onto the stage because I did not know what to say - but each time I sat on the panel I found that I gained a bit more confidence and was able to focus in and concentrate on the topic. This has given me the confidence to audition for acting work in a movie.
I recommend that others train with Abby Eagle to build their confidence in public speaking because it can help people who are shy to socialise more and get out from behind the computer onto the stage of life. Abby is a good trainer and he knows what he is talking about." Des Tocchini, Film Maker, Gold Coast (13/09/2017)
Andrew: "I attended the Media Training Events with Abby because I wanted to meet other professionals in the Film and TV Industry - and to become a better communicator/influencer and understand the science behind great communication.
The most important moments for me were:
- The way that Abby introduced the structured NLP Models.
The positive feedback I've received and increased confidence in not only speaking but knowing that I can help other to become better communicators.
Meeting people with experience in the Film and TV Industry and their involvement in current projects.
I know that I've definitely become more aware of when people are using techniques to control conversations and I know how to bring conversations back on track. It has made me think more and be better prepared and more structured in my business communications. I am a better communicator than six weeks ago and a deeper thinker. I need to know more - this is powerful stuff." Andrew Kavanagh, Marketer, Gold Coast (2/09/2017)
Peter: "My outcomes for the Media Training Events was to gain a better ability to handle the different personality types and to be able to handle different situations, discussions and conflict smoothly. As a camera operator there was also the technical and production aspects of the whole thing - filming and getting different camera angles sound recording and so forth.
What were the 3 most important moments during the media training events?
- There were several times when the conflict came out the middle of the meeting and it got a bit heated. This was fine with me and is part of the process and makes for good TV viewing. It was interesting to see who could handle it and who could not.
- The second time was when it became clear that many people believe that political correctness is more important than freedom of speech. This belief, it would seem, is something that is held to be true for a good proportion of the population, if not even a majority. This apparent fact was a stunning revelation to me.
- This leads to the third interesting aspect and that is that even within this group there are some who would stifle freedom and freedom of speech.
The training method was somewhat a work in progress as is to be expected as this was a pilot program. In essence the participation exercises were very successful and it was obvious to see the development of the group as they grew in confidence and ability. One thing that might have helped would have been to have every participant do the Myers Briggs assessment so that we had an idea of the personality types we were dealing with in each case.
One thing that did became clear is that there are certainly different ways of thinking and not everyone sees the world the same way. That revelation was a surprise to me as I can’t imagine a world where logic and reasoning is not part of conscious thought and yet, within the group, there seemed to be those to whom logic or even “common sense reasoning” seemed to be completely foreign concepts.
Some people appear to operate on nothing but feelings and some kind of emotional response. Some even seem incapable of reasoning, rationality and the recognition of observable reality. No wonder the world is going out the tubes faster than a shorn sheep.
What are the 3 most important benefits for working with Abby Eagle and Peter Turner?
When it comes to Peter Turner the answer is stay away from him he is trouble. LOL
- As for Abby he does seem to know his stuff. He seems to be able to work well with most of the personality types and get the end result and can work out a program and methods that are acceptable to all. I can see that this course will be of exceptional benefit to anyone once it is fully developed and finalised. Some things worked very well and some things need to be changed or revised but Abby has shown the ability to do this. All power to it as it is a worthwhile program." Peter Turner, Film Maker, Gold Coast (13/09/2017)
Paul: "At first I was a bit nervous but the workshops allowed me to practice and get comfortable and become confident in presenting arguments in public. I also wanted to get some practice in front of the media and in front of a camera - and to be able to ad-lib at will.
The most important moments for me during the media training events were:
- Being on panels and getting experience presenting arguments and ideas. I began to feel comfortable and was able to effectively articulate concepts and challenge sacred cows.
- The press conference was the number one highlight. I winged it a bit and my preparation should have been better, but it was a great experience to hold the floor in front of so many people shooting questions at me.
- I really liked the down and dirty, highly controversial debates - they were fun.
Regarding the training method it was all practical and commonsense. It was great to watch people express themselves and fun to see people working with technology. I enjoyed the experience. It was fun being with other people and learning techniques and concepts." Paul Herman, Gold Coast (15/09/2017)
Shannon: "In my line of work, I must talk on stages in front of large crowds and work with a wide range of clients. It can be hard to talk on the spot and speak concisely in a professional manner. I always do the 'ums', 'ahs', and 'likes' and find it hard to get my point across, and sometimes find it hard to interrupt.
Since joining the media training events I've become more aware of the language I use, avoiding slang and swearing, and can formulate intelligent sentences on the spot much better.
This have given me confidence when speaking in public and in professional situations, I feel more in control of what I am saying and my presence in the conversation." Shannon Loch Music Producer and Musician (22/09/2017)
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