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Abby Eagle challenge everything for the truth

Use this NLP Mind to Muscle procedure to create the winners mind set - with specific applications to Forex Currency Trading.. Send an email to book a free 20 minute telephone or Skype session with Abby Eagle. NLP Coaching, Hypnotherapy and Meditation. Gold Coast, Robina, Australia. Online NLP Coaching sessions on Skype and Zoom.

Get more information on the Mind to Muscle Pattern

See other examples of the Mind to Muscle Pattern applied to Forex Currency Trading:
1. Trade Like a Lion - this page.
2. Trade Without Emotion

How To Trade The Forex Currency Markets Like A Lion


The following Mind to Muscle procedure was designed in collaboration with a Currency Trader called Brenton in a NLP Coaching session.

How to Trade The Forex Currency Markets Like a Lion

If you want to trade like a lion then you have to understand that you need the mindset that comes with strength, family, security, power, patience, courage, commitment. The lion trader knows what he can do - has faith in his ablity and determination, - to take of family he has to have all of the above - take action at the right time - not waste energy - conserve energy and time - be smart and intelligent.

The lion trader scans the field, is open and curious, grounded, preparing, strategising, big energy, gathering information and data - assessing, checking the markets. Thinks about it - makes a decision to take action. Focuses in and at the right time executes the decision - runs for the prey - stays focussed on the target and does not deviate from the plan. Commits to the exit strategy. Enjoys the feed, reflects, preserves the learnings and generates new understandings.

And so I believe that I have the qualities of a lion trader. I believe I have the courage and mindset to take winning trades. I believe I have the ability and I am determined to take care of my family. And I believe if you want to be a successful trader then you have to trade like a lion - focus in and follow your plan - and execute the plan at the right moment and not deviate from the plan and to do that takes courage and I know that you can do it.

And so from this day forth I will trade exactly like a lion - I will follow my plan - I will have all the attributes a lion trader has - and so I am not going to entertain negative thoughts - in fact from this day forth I will push aside all negativity and I will focus in on that amazing feeling that I get when I trade in the zone.

And so I feel that by following the principles of trading like a lion then I can easily stick to my plan and trade without hesitation and trade with pure focus because I have decided that I will stick to the trading plan in order to achieve the success of a lion - because the lion is the king of the jungle.

And so today I am going to reject negativity - trade like a lion and follow my plan. I am going to think in terms of the Henry Ford production line. I am going to prepare myself for the future of willing trades - and block all negative thoughts that could hinder my performances and be the king of the jungle that takes care of his family.

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A Succesful Trader Only Trades With a Proven Trading Strategy

The following example was provided by Mark B. from Houston, TX who trades the Currency Markets.

To be a successful trader you need a proven strategy

To be a successful trader you need to have a proven strategy you are confident in, and a process of steps to ensure all the parameters of the setup are met. You must put aside all emotion, be very systematic before entering the trade. After entering the trade, and upon completion, you should review the trade to verify all the parameters were met without emotion attached to the outcome.

I believe if you; have a proven strategy you are confident in and a process to ensure all parameters are met, you put aside all emotion and be very systematic, review the trade setup to ensure all parameters were met after entry and completion, you will be a successful and profitable trader.

I have decided from this day forward I only enter trades that meet all
the parameters of the observed setup, and I enter, manage and review the trade without
any emotional attachment during the trade or on the outcome.

Because I feel deeply within myself I deserve success on all levels, I feel confident in applying these principles and achieving consistent profitability in me trading.

And so today I am going to put aside all emotion, evaluate the trade setups and enter trades that meet all the parameters. I am successful and profitable today.

If you are looking for a NLP Coach then send Abby Eagle an email using the contact form on this page.

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