Notes from some of Osho's discourses... Phone 07 5562 5718 or send an email to book a free 20 minute telephone or skype consultation. NLP Hypnotherapy and Meditation with an Osho Zen Sannyasin. Gold Coast, Robina, Australia.
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Discourses by Osho are available in book and MP3 form. The following notes were taken from the series of discourses: ECSTASY
#1: On knowing reality. Knowing and not knowing. The ultimate is irreducible to knowledge. Fall in love and express all emotions with God. Build a relationship. To discover truth one needs an intensity and an urgency to know existence now. Being total in anything is the doorway to God. Morality is politics. Society is immoral and to fit into society one has to be immoral. Deep down there is no morality or immorality. Live your life in an alert, total and loving way as possible. Difference between being disciplined and open. The beauty of chaos.
#2: A river winds its way to the ocean and has beauty. A man made canal
is straight and ugly. Wander your way to the destination, there is no hurry. Religiousness
is not something to be practised. Religiousness is your nature.
try to express the inexpressible. Just get lost into it. The playfulness and absurdity
of God.
Osho explains how he presents a discourse in a linear fashion but how
in the future his discourses will be more like a collage, irrational and absurd.
In love, defeat is the only victory.
As a child we get showered with love and
hence grow up with a need for love. As a child we do not always learn how to love
others so as an adult we have to learn how to give love and not be a taker. Be
loving to yourself, learn to forgive yourself then forgive yourself once again
and again, be kind to yourself. Dont be antagonistic towards yourself.
Excellent: Life is more Hegelian than Aristotelian. There is a duality to
life. Life is thesis becoming antithesis becoming synthesis and becoming thesis
once again. Analogue versus digital. In-breath out-breath, love and hate, left
brain and right brain. Integration of left and right brain.
Intelligence is
non competitive. Intelligent people see the absurdity of competing. It is rare
to find a rich person or a politician who is intelligent.
If you suppress
sexual energy/passion it becomes anger, suppress anger and it becomes greed, suppress
greed and it becomes pride/piousness. Mahavira taught non-anger, non-violence
but the Jainas have become the most greedy. Miserly people, rich people
are not so angry they reserve their energy for greed. When you are sexually
fulfilled then you are less angry. It is easier for a poor person to be angry
because he has nothing to be greedy about. Karl Marx said: A poor person
has nothing to lose. (Maybe this explains why the rich can be so patronising
of the poor. Abby). Greed can be for money, power, prestige or heaven. (Have you
heard the statement: If I had more money then life would be easier and I
wouldnt need to get so angry.)
Who is the one who is angry? The
ego. Who is the one who is aware of the anger? The witness.
Real renunciation
means letting go all of your conditioning, including that of your religion. Kabir
says awareness is the only true path. Neither renounce nor indulge then sex/passion
becomes compassion. The goal of the mystic is oneness. When you fall in love the
other reflects aspects of your inner woman or man. You fall in love with a mirror.
#4: The difference between a crystallised ego and a big strong ego. What is an idiot?
One who goes against the rest of the world. When you are in tune with existence
there is ecstasy.
Nature cant be conquered because the part cant
conquer the whole. The part has to fall in tune with nature. A theist and an atheist
cant be religious because they are full of ideas. Feel happy that you are
part of the whole. Dominating another is the way of hate and violence.
am I?
Excellent: All knowledge is illusory. What do you really know? You know a
label. Forget the label and the unknown is there. Reality remains unexplained
and mysterious. Re Genesis ch3 vs13. Adam gets thrown out of the Garden of Eden
because of knowledge. Knowledge is the original sin. Jesus virtue is ignorance.
Unless you are like innocent children then you shall not enter the Kingdom of
God. Drop all knowledge. Wisdom is not knowledge. Wisdom is awareness. To Mohammed
God is without, in heaven. To Mahavira God is within. Kabir says that God is within
and without, God is indivisible.
Thinking is of the head. Emotions and sentiment
are of the heart. Feeling is of the total, of the body, mind and soul. When you
function as a totality then you are in tune with the total.
When you eat an
apple it becomes a part of your body and your consciousness. When you die and
are buried at the base of the apple tree then you become a part of the apple tree
and its fruit. All in the universe is one. There are only analogue distinctions
between objects. If the universe is one and you are tired then perhaps your shoes
and socks are tired too. If your perception is divided how can you be undivided?
#6: The masses manipulate and define the behaviour of the leader.
If you starve
someone of food then they will get an obsession for food and want to rob a kitchen,
and you will need to protect yourself from them. If you starve someone of sex
they will become obsessed with sex and they will become a danger to society and
will need to be controlled. If you cant go deeply into anger then you will
not be able to go deeply into love and sex. Swami means master. Rather than thinking
of God as your father think of him as your beloved.
#7: God is a term to denote that existence has a soul. Your centre of being is
the closest door to God. God can only be experienced simultaneously as God as
within and without. The senses open to the outside world. To explore the inner
being you cant use the mind you have to use the heart. Turn your face inwards.
You look out so just turn your attention 180 degrees and look inwards. Space is
not a factor when exploring the interiority and time is not involved. Both change
and enlightenment can and do occur in a single moment.
Excellent: You have to go through a stage of atheism before you can become
a theist, then you have to drop both and you come to silence. You have to so no
before you can say yes. The no and the yes both disappear. It is not unusual for
one to remain stuck with the ideology one had at the age of 14 (sexual maturity).
is symbolic. The word God is not meta physical but just poetic. God is a way of
saying that life has meaning and the Universe has an order and that existence
cares about you, the Universe loves you, feels you, is a mother and a father to
you. What is the soul?
Excellent: Society depends upon misery. The current organised religions console
you with fantasies of what you might attain after you die. A real religion is
focussed on authentic happiness in the here and now. Ambition means today has
to be sacrificed for tomorrow. Happiness is not an achievement, it is your nature.
welcoming the child into the world. R.D. Laing study. Parents compensate by over
feeding the child focussing the child on ambition. Ecstasy is becoming, becoming
is misery. Feeling is filtered through the mind. The feeling is created off of
the internal image and tone and tempo. In ecstasy one experiences the feeling
directly through the heart not via the mind. Dance today with joy, not tomorrow.
Joy is the first step towards God. Let go of control. Control will keep you in
misery. In joy duality disappears. A wise man is also a fool. When you weep, you
weep alone. When you laugh existence laughs with you. With tears of joy duality
begins to disappear and you become whole. Misery is introversion, happiness is
Excellent: Every other person is a mirror. You see yourself. Without suffering
you can not be an egoist. Knowledge is more permanent than wisdom. The real is
momentary. The false is permanent. Love is fragile like a rose flower. Marriage
is like a plastic rose. Whatever you find will be you. The eternal is momentary.
The permanent is not eternal. The beauty of the rose flower is eternal. Flowers
come and go but the beauty is eternal. Dive deep into the moment to touch the
eternal. Lovers come and go but love remains. Death continues, life continues
and love continues. Religion is a potentiality for the future. Religion is not
about looking backwards. Feeling has only a present tense. Thinking has only a
past tense. Feelings generated from a memory are a deception.
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