Notes from some of Osho's discourses... Phone 07 5562 5718 or send an email to book a free 20 minute telephone or skype consultation. NLP Hypnotherapy and Meditation with an Osho Zen Sannyasin. Gold Coast, Robina, Australia.
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"Osho will long be remembered as a great philosopher - saint and mystic of
the twentieth century. His life and work will continue to inspire future generations
of humankind and his powerful message of essential unity of mankind will help
us to evolve a new global code of ethics for the improvement of the human condition."
- Dr. Manmohan Singh, prime minister of India
"Osho is one of Indias greatest mystics.... I see him as one of
the worlds great teachers, thinkers, philosophers and guides of our times.
I have enormous respect for his world vision and the kind of International Communities
he is building. I have always felt his influence in my life."
- Kabir Bedi, international film star
"Through my friend Deepak Chopra I came across Oshos books which
gave me an other deeper shift in my life. I regret I did not met him in person,
and I feel sorry the US Government missed such an opportunity back in 86."
- Madonna, Singer and Performer
"Osho is an enlightened master who is working with all possibilities
to help humanity overcome a difficult phase in developing consciousness."
- The Dalai Lama, exiled Buddhist leader of Tibet
"He was the most original thinker that India has produced: the most
erudite, the most clear-headed and the most innovative. And in addition he had
an inborn gift of words, spoken and written. The like of him we will not see for
decades to come..."
"It is a religion for the irreligious, for the
agnostic, for the unbeliever, for the rationalist."
- Khushwant Singh, former editor of The Times of India; author and historian
"When we wrote and prepared for shooting Vanilla Sky, I constantly checked
in with Oshos insights. It is not so easy to present the unconscious mind
with images and a story. Osho is the only one who can perfectly explain it all,
the inner and the outer and that helped me and my team immensely"
- Tom Cruise, actor
"Never before or after have I encountered anybody having such a harmonious
and immensely creative view encompassing art, science, human psychology and religiousness.
Certainly we would lack substantially without his vision of the new man."
- Dr. A. Schleger, Ph.D., Institute of Technology, Switzerland
"Osho is a mystical giant, a flowering of a unique intelligence and
one of those rare humans ex-pressing himself with joy."
- Paul Reps, author of Zen Flesh, Zen Bones
"Enlightened people like Osho are ahead of their times. It is good that
more and more young people are now reading his works."
- K. R. Narayanan, former president of India
"I found No Water, No Moon one of the most refreshing, cleansing and
delightful books I could imagine. It is a book which will never cease to be a
comforting companion."
- Yehudi Menuhin, distinguished violinist
These brilliant insights will benefit all those who yearn for experiential
knowledge of the field of pure potentiality inherent in every human being. This
book belongs on the shelf of every library and in the home of all those who seek
knowledge of the higher self."
- Deepak Chopra, author of Ageless Body, Timeless Mind; Quantum Healing and Unconditional Life on Oshos Book From Medication to Meditation.
"Few people have understood India like Osho. It was an understanding
at many levels. The philosophical, the historic, the purely emotional - and even
the political and the literary, the wanton and the spiritual. His was a holistic
understanding. An understanding that went beyond words, into the uncharted terrain
of true love. For love was at the core of everything that Osho believed in. It
was the ultimate message he left for us. To discover, experience, savor life through
- Pritish Nandy, JAIN TV presenter; former editor, and publisher of The Illustrated Weekly, India
"Where the dance of Meera and the silence of Buddha meet, blossoms the
true philosophy of Rajneesh."
- Amrita Pritam, renowned poetess
"I was inspired by Oshos wisdom when I wrote the song 'How fragile
we all are'; Reading his books gave me hope for humanity. It is a must for everybody
to have a look into his words ....."
- Sting, Singer and Performer
"To enable Indians and the world to appreciate the eternal India, Oshos
insights contained in his discourses and books should be made widely available
around the world and through all media. This will also make the world understand
India much better. "I was surprised and very impressed by Oshos logic
and how well he proved his points. When I was imprisoned during the Emergency
for 19 months, I had the opportunity of reading Oshos books on Mahavir,
Kabir and the Geeta."
- L. K. Advani, former minister of home affairs, govt. of India
"Osho - unmatched orator, unorthodox thinker and an original interpreter
of ancient texts. His exposition of Japji Sahib and other teachings and philosophy
of Guru Nanak Dev has deeply impressed me. I admire his courage, sense of conviction
and spirit of adventure."
- The late Giani Zail Singh, former President of India
"I believe that Osho was well ahead of his time in terms of his teachings,
his thinking and as a practical man. This is very clear that the message of Osho
is universal in nature. This also means that the right to His message is equally
universal and should be available to any individual. In fact each one of the 6
Billion of us that inherit the earth today have a right to the words of Osho."
- Padamshree Dr Raghunath Mashelkar - Renowned scientist, Director General - CSIR and Chairman of the committee of World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Main be-qaid, main be-quaid. Na rogi, na vaid!
"Loosely translated,
this line by the 18th century Sufi poet Bulle Shah, would go somewhat like this
- I am unfettered, unfettered am I. Neither the sick nor the savior am I. The
line for me is a source of boundless creative energy and celebration. This is
the irresistible feeling in the presence of Oshos aura. I can say no more."
Madangopal Singh, University professor and Sufi Scholar
Thanks to Anand for compiling the above
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