Notes from some of Osho's discourses... Phone 07 5562 5718 or send an email to book a free 20 minute telephone or skype consultation. NLP Hypnotherapy and Meditation with an Osho Zen Sannyasin. Gold Coast, Robina, Australia.
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Discourses by Osho are available in book and MP3 form. The following notes were taken from the series of discourses: WALK WITHOUT FEET, FLY WITHOUT WINGS AND THINK WITHOUT MIND |
#1: Life is not a noun, it is a verb. Life is a process. Reflect existence.
If it is morning then say that it is morning. What may be virtue in the morning
may be sin in the evening. All meaning is context related.
Excellent: Buddha
stated truth in the negative while Mahavira stated it in the positive. There will
be no misery versus there will be great bliss but the positive words create desire
in the mind. Without desire only bliss can be attained. If the positive state
is not talked about then there will be less enthusiasm to work hard at meditation.
St John of the Cross used to vomit during his states of ecstasy.
Excellent: If you believe in yourself then you believe in an illusion. To
know the real you have to go beyond the illusion. You dont need to believe
in the sun, moon and stars to know them. Belief is to hide ignorance. Absence
of yourself is the presence of God. On awareness and responsibility to children.
When the disciple is ready then the master appears.
#3: The body gives us an experience of the here and now. When you are hungry, thirsty,
etc you are in the here and now. The body is in now but the mind is in the past
and future. Society has been against the body and for the mind. Get in the body
to be closer to God. The origins of meditation are from the study of sexual orgasm
and deep sleep. The impossibility of defining anything without using a tautology.
Figure and background. Thoughts and silence. Clouds and sky. Psychology experiment.
Large piece of white paper and a small black dot. All the students only saw the
black dot and missed the paper. Interesting presuppositions we have about our
own perceptions of self. Security and insecurity in relationships.
#4: A courageous person and a coward both experience the same amount of fear but
the courageous person does not a allow the fear to be a block. On Sannyas for
children. The process of deconditioning. Sannyas is a device and method, not a
discipline of how one should live their life.
Excellent: A game is serious because there is a desired outcome. A play has
no outcome. A game has only one winner. With play everyone is a winner. When play
becomes serious then it becomes a game. Play a competitive game for fun with no
investment in the outcome.
Let children, family etc be a by product of love
not as a goal. Love has become monopolistic fixated on one person. It has
become exclusive. We talk of my wife, husband, country, nation, religion. The
wife/husband are not allowed to love another so we become dependent on one other.
The pronoun my is the problem implies ownership. How can you
own another person?
Excellent section on guilt: Guilt is a strategy created
by the priests to exploit people and turn them into slaves. All that is natural
has been condemned. The mind exists according to the priests. The body exists
according to nature. There is a split between the two.
On orgasm and ecstasy.
#6: Great section on enlightenment: On gradual and sudden enlightenment. Negative
emotions are natures way to motivate us towards a behaviour that brings positive
ones. The connection between pornography and priests. The priest destroys mans
natural ability to enter into God through love, so that the priest can build his
business. The spaces that you come across in love is the territory of the priest
and he wants to control it. Nature intends for you to fall in love with the total
and the individual is the doorway. Life is in relationship. Joy is in relationship.
The word fascination derived from phallus which is derived from phala. Phala means
bearing fruit.
#7: Factual memory versus psychological memory. Past is part of the present. All
that you have done in the past becomes your present now. For example what you
ate yesterday becomes your body now. Your present moment contains your whole past
and future. The way that you live now has great impact upon your future. The tree
enjoys this mornings sun with no psychological memory of yesterday even
though it carries the sun of yesterday in its sap.
How the Taj Mahal came into
existence. A Sufi mystic from Siraz who by just touching the hand of the Kings
daughter was able to sculpt a statue that was a perfect likeness. When the Kings
wife died he created the model for the Taj Mahal. Objective art versus subjective
art. Subjective art is cathartic type art as with art therapy while objective
art is created out of silence without psychological memory.
Tantra meditation.
The town with the secret of the most beautiful woman in the land. The beautiful
female enlightened master who disguised herself as a prostitute as a way to attract
men. The effect of her physical beauty and of her silence was to give the men
a taste of the divine.
#8: What Osho says is a device. The content is just to illustrate a point. Dont
hook into the content. Death is a by product of the ego. What you reject you become
more of.
#9: One has to develop understanding in order to transcend the negative. Ecstasy
comes out of agony in direct proportion.
#10: Become feminine and receptive. On sexual fantasies in meditation. If you deny
the lower then you will never reach to the higher. From sex to samadhi. The sculpture
Bernini who depicted St Therese in union with God used as a model a woman in sexual
orgasm. On male and female sexual orgasm. Erotic sexually explicit sculptures
in some Indian temples. Tantra. Enlightenment: Arahat or Bodhisattva. St Francis
of Assisi became enlightened despite being a monk.
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