osho discourse About Osho
osho discourse 1. And the flowers showered.
osho discourse 2. Come, come yet again come.
osho discourse 3. Ecstasy the forgotten language.
osho discourse 4. From unconsciousness to consciousness.
osho discourse 5. I am that.
osho discourse 6. Light on the path.
osho discourse 8. Path of the mystic.
osho discourse 9. Satyam, Shivam, Sundram.
osho discourse 10. The beloved - volume 1.
osho discourse 11. The beloved - volume 2.
osho discourse 12. The diamond sutra.
osho discourse 13. The fish in the sea is not thirsty.
osho discourse 14. The golden gate.
osho discourse 15. The grass grows by itself.
osho discourse 16. The heart sutra.
osho discourse 17. The hidden splendour.
osho discourse 18. The invitation.
osho discourse 17. Turning in Zen.
osho discourse 18. Walk without feet.
osho discourse 17. Osho's biography.
osho discourse 18. Emminent people on Osho.
osho discourse 19. Photographs of Osho.
osho discourse 20. Rare photographs of Osho.
osho discourse 21. What is meditation video.
osho discourse 22. About Osho and meditation.


Abby Eagle challenge everything for the truth


Notes from some of Osho's discourses... Phone 07 5562 5718 or send an email to book a free 20 minute telephone or skype consultation. NLP Hypnotherapy and Meditation with an Osho Zen Sannyasin. Gold Coast, Robina, Australia.


Osho: Satyam Shivam Sundram


Osho zen meditation

Discourses by Osho are available in book and MP3 form.

The following notes were taken from the series of discourses:

Truth - Virtue - Beauty

# 1: Excellent. The ultimate concept of the ultimate reality.
Men and women and the inherent frustration in relationships. The focus is on the other to find joy but they never look inside of themselves to find it.
Layers of consciousness. Unconscious minds and superconscious minds. On goal setting by the conscious mind and how the unconscious minds determine the outcome.

# 2: Osho is not an intellectual but a mystic. On the silent meeting between Kabir and Farid. On love and tears.

# 3: Minute doses of radiation have been shown to be of benefit by a Japanese researcher.
The disappearance of curiosity and of the longing for knowledge are signs of spiritual progress. Humour is a religious quality. As meditation deepens then on is reminded less and less of the past – as one becomes more comfortable living in the present. Normally one has to become accepted to change. As meditation deepens then one learns to be accustomed to the eternal present. Learn the art of dropping the past and living in the present.

# 4: An excellent section on love. Jesus and the Essenes mystery school. God is not love. Love is God. God is an attribute of love.

# 5: Excellent. On work and relaxation. On giving and receiving. Split personality. Identifying with the false part of ourselves and denying the real. Self respect, self worth, acceptance of the self. Loving your self before being able to receive love from another. We need to be able to see our own beauty, grace and grandeur.

# 6: Why enlightened masters criticise each other. Sri Arubindo and physical immortality. Categories of enlightenment. Arahata: Means ‘one who has conquered. The Arahata becomes silent upon enlightenment, and are known as the mystics. They have few followers. Bodhisattva: Means ‘one who has awakened’. The Bodhisattva is the enlightened master who shares his message with many people. Buddha is a Bodhisattva.

# 7: Excellent. On meditation. Begin with witnessing and finish with no-mind.
On Tibet. Each family used to give a first born child to the monastery. Witnessing is easier for a child to learn. Watch the thoughts as if they are not yours. Witnessing creates a distance from the thoughts. Mind is a medium for when you want to communicate with others. Because meditation rests the mind it increases creativity. No-mind 24 hours per day exactly means enlightenment, an experience of deathlessness and immortality. The mind is a servant to one who is enlightened.

# 8: Excellent. On fear of accepting oneself. The strategy given by society has been to condemn you for who you are and then to give you an ideal to be like someone else.

# 9: On the transition from student, disciple to devote.
The awareness cannot be aware of itself, you are the awareness.
The middle path helps you to transcend the extremes. The extremes are not opposites but complementaries. Life and death are not opposites but a process of refreshing life. In existence there are no opposites. Existence is an organic unity. It is all inclusive. P. D. Ouspensky and the book: The 3rd Canon of Truth. The story of Shroe(?) and the sitar. The strings of life need to be in the middle in order to play a song. The neck chakra is the most sensitive.

# 10: Thoughts cannot be noble or ignoble. The process of religious consciousness is getting rid of thoughts. On Rigveda. Seers and sages used to have many wives and buy slave women for their harem. They created the caste system which reduced 25% of the population to the untouchables. The only difference between a Hindu, a Christian, a Jew, etc is the thought. Once you go beyond thought to a no-mind state we are all the same.
On dropping sex. Sex is your basic life force. Mozart playing music at 4 years of age. How the mind develops faster than the body in some people. Consciousness is not limited to physical age. R.D. Shankara (a Brahmin’s son) took sannyas at the age of 7 years and attained to enlightenment by 11 years of age, died at 33.

# 11: On being shy, humble or hiding out of fear. To identify ego just give someone an untrue compliment and watch them become shy. Fear cannot exist without the ego. When the ego dies fear also disappears. (Ego therefore must be associated with the limbic system.) When you die then the body and ego also dies but the consciousness moves into another form. When a question is answered then the question disappears. (When the answer to “Who am I? is found then the questioner must disappear.)

# 12: Excellent. On the ego. The ego is everything that you know about yourself. The ego is a mind formation. On witnessing. The ego dictates to you your lifestyle and what is right or wrong. What is told to as right is nourishment for the ego and what is told to you as wrong is deprivation of nourishment for the ego. All that fulfils the ego is moral, virtuous, spirituous and religious. All that is against the ego is sinner, criminal acts, immoral, unspiritual and condemnatory.
Beliefs are a straw that you cling to because you know that you are drowning. Surrender not to any person but to existence.
An example of Osho’s language patterns of influence. Regarding a talk at an event after a famous Jaina monk and getting the crowd to return to their seats.

# 13: Excellent. On going with the flow rather than forcing things. The strategy of society to destroy the individual and his/her innocence. Following your relaxed nature or acting out of conditioning. Willpower belongs to existence. Individual willpower is a fallacy. Go with the universal will.
What is religion?
On sensitivity.

# 14: (N F Clientele MP3.) Excellent. On the American constitution and Christianity. Hard hitting. Government and anarchy. On politicians and priests. American judicial system. Osho’s trial in USA. The conditioning and prejudice of lawyers and judges.

#20: Hypnosis and meditation.

#29: Galileo and the Pope. Fallibility of religious leaders. Section on flying saucers is out of date.


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