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Abby Eagle challenge everything for the truth

Quit smoking Marijuana, Pot, Weed with NLP and Hypnotherapy. Phone 07 5562 5718 or send an email to book a free 20 minute telephone, Skype or Zoom session with Abby Eagle. Stop smoking marijuana using NLP and hypnosis... quit smoking marijuana using NLP and hypnotherapy - Neuro Linguistic Programming. - NLP Hypnotherapy Meditation Gold Coast. Online NLP coaching available - Skype and Zoom sessions

quite smoking marijuana self hypnosis course

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Get off marijuana / cannabis / pot / weed with NLP and hypnotherapy and start a new life today

Quit smoking marijuana, get off marijuana - kick the habit - recover from marijuana addiction - no withdrawal symptoms - no will power required - no need to attend a drug clinic - no need to attend a 12 step program for substance abuse - learn how to get off weed using NLP and hypnotherapy- come off cannabis - get off pot fast - be finished with marijuana addiction - go cold turkey on marijuana - how to deal with marijuana induced anxiety and panic attacks.


nlp hypnotherapy and marijuanaMarijuana use and abuse

Marijuana, a recreational drug known by many names such as pot, weed, ganga and grass is harvested from the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa). The leaves, stems, seeds and flowers of the plant are dried and smoked like a cigarette for the mind altering effects of its primary active constituent, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Marijuana may induce relaxation and heighten the senses but in some cases it can produce paranoia, lethargy, a loss of motivation and lack of achievement. Research studies have shown that students who smoke marijuana get lower grades, workers who smoke are more likely to have problems on the job, be less productive and take more sick days. Depression, anxiety and personality problems are all associated with marijuana use. A significant problem with marijuana is that it affects the ability to learn and recall information.

Marijuana abuse is a major concern in society because of its use amongst young children who have yet to develop the cognitive capacity to understand its effects upon their health. Marijuana is often used by people who suffer from stress, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder. Like tobacco, marijuana may lead to serious physical health problems.

NLP to stop smoking marijuanaWhat treatments are available for marijuana addiction on the Gold Coast?

In general withdrawing from marijuana is as straightforward as making a decision to stop. However, in severe cases the user may experience nausea, sweating, shakes, insomnia, feelings of restlessness and irritability, loss of appetite leading to weight loss. Mainstream treatments for marijuana dependence may include psychiatric evaluation, group therapy, education, counselling and 12 step programs.

NLP hypnotherapy best treatment for marijuana addictionHow can NLP, hypnotherapy and meditation help get you off marijuana?

If the marijuana use had become part of a lifestyle then stopping its use means the person may feel alienated from their friends and experience conflict in relationships as they struggle with new ways of relating. Quite often kicking the marijuana habit means the person has to start a totally new lifestyle with a new group of friends. At first this may bring up feelings of emptiness, loss and sadness as they let go the past, and feelings of anxiety and depression as they think about the future. However, once a significant period of time has elapsed the person usually comes to realise that marijuana had been dampening their experience of life and they look forwards with anticipation to building a new life.

In some cases people can spend years trying to kick the marijuana habit, mainly because of negative emotions and relationship conflict that surfaces when they stop. NLP and hypnotherapy are very effective in clearing negative emotions; in resolving relationship issues that may hold you back, and in banishing the dependence on the drug.

get off marijuana with nlp and hypnosisRead what others have to say about using NLP and hypnotherapy to kick the marijuana habit

"It has been nearly four months since I visited Abby Eagle to kick a marijuana addiction and make some positive life changes. I had smoked marijuana for twenty nine years and had tried on many occasions to quit by my self but would always crumble in a day or two. I had one ninety minute session with Abby. Since then I have had no desire for the weed. When I get stressed or angry I no longer reach for the pipe to make everything all right. I definitely feel happier and more confident. I no longer have the desire for the weed at all and I truly believe the results are for the long term. I believe the therapeutic approach was the right choice for me. I am now more active, have a healthier life style and a clearer head space. NLP hypnotherapy really works." Vaughan Erueti, Gold Coast Qld Australia

stop smoking marijuana using hypnotherapyRead how Ayden used NLP and Hypnotherapy to stop smoking marijuana

"Ever since I can remember I have had a problem with anger, and I had been smoking weed everyday for about 3 years. I saw about 7 or 8 different counsellors over about a 6 to 7 year period with no avail, and spent thousands of dollars seeing them. I definitely was not satisfied with the results I got because none of them could manage to help me even control my anger. After years of trying different councilors and wasting money, I decided to try something different. So I came to see Abby Eagle to learn how to manage my anger and stop smoking marijuana.

I had two 90 minute consultations with Abby Eagle. After the first consultation for my anger I found myself a lot more relaxed, a lot calmer, and anger pretty much does not exist for me anymore, and the second consultation which focussed on giving up smoking marijuana, I was amazed I had no cravings or withdrawals at all. I pretty much got a whole new lease on life, like it was a new beginning for me.

In my opinion the anger and marijuana addiction have been permanently healed. The fact is that I can still hang with mates who smoke marijuana, while they are smoking, and not crave smoking it with them. Abby's NLP and Hypnotherapy is definitely something people should try. I was amazed at how something so simple can make such a huge difference" Ayden Hughes Carrara Qld Australia 25/1/2012

get off weed with hypnosisComments by a Gold Coast Master NLP Practitioner

NLP and hypnotherapy provide excellent tools and techniques - to deal with any underlying issues related to the marijuana use - to find new life purpose, set goals and build motivation - and to banish the marijuana habit. In some cases a life long marijuana habit can be banished in one session.

How much is that drug habit worth?

Stop smoking marijuana today using NLP hypnotherapy and invest $70.00 per week into an interest bearing account at 6% pa calculated monthly

Stop smoking pot and bank $70.00 every week instead. Your contribution Interest Total
For ten years $36,699.33 $13,557.15 $50,256.48
For twenty years $73,095.33 $68,045.76 $141,141.09
For thirty years $109,491.33 $197,004.91 $306,496.24
For forty years $145,887.33 $461,455.53 $607,342.86
For fifty years $182,283.33 $972,418.90 $1,154,702.23


*** Disclaimer - smokers please read this.

Some smokers have an 'either or' meta program. What this means is that they either stop smoking completely or they carry on smoking. For example, one smoker I worked with cut down from 30 cigarettes a day to 1 cigarette a day after the first session. His friend congratulated him on the progress that he had made but in his mind one cigarette a day still meant that he was smoking and therefore the hypnotherapy had 'not worked'. So for smokers with an 'either or' meta program they either stop smoking completely or they continue to smoke, the hypnotherapy worked for them or it did not. There are no shades of grey. The challenge for this type of smoker is changing the 'either or' meta program to an 'and', such they can make steady progress towards achieving their desired outcome, step by step.

In addition the 'sameness difference' meta program directs the smokers mind to success or failure, for example. Those people who sort for 'sameness' will focus on the tiniest indicators of improvement and feel confident that they are making progress. Whereas those people who sort for difference will mismatch their progress and look for what results they did not get.

Helping the client to shift their meta programs such that they take on a more positive mind set may take a number of sessions.

Book a free no obligation phone, Skype or Zoom session

- Take the opportunity to get your questions answered.
- Put yourself at ease before you book a coaching session.

When you contact us please specify whether you want a free 20 minute interview or whether you want to book a session.

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Varsity Lakes Qld - Gold Coast Office
Gold Coast NLP Hypnotherapy Meditation








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