Do you want to excel at sport - whether that be golf, surfing, tennis, football, athletics? Phone 07 5562 5718 or send an email to book a free 20 minute telephone, Skype or Zoom session with Abby Eagle. NLP Hypnotherapy gives you the tools and techniques to do just that... Neuro Linguistic Programming. NLP Hypnotherapy Meditation Gold Coast, Robina. Online NLP coaching available - Skype and Zoom sessions.
Learn to harness the power of your unconscious mind with NLP and self hypnosis - release negative emotions and self doubt - use NLP to program in feelings of total and absolute confidence in your abilities - learn how to tap your true athletic potential - learn how to communicate with your unconscious mind - learn how to access inner reserves of energy using NLP and be relentless in your pursuit of excellence.
NLP works with the structure of the mind: Release negative emotions, change negative self talk into positive talk, install success in your future, build self confidence - what more do you want? Hypnotherapy teaches you how to communicate with your unconscious mind and fully harness its power. Meditation helps you to relax, quieten the mind and improve your health. As a combination they produce state of the art tools and techniques for transformation.
The following is a transcript of an interview that I did with Damien Lafont, sports journalist for the European magazine, Sport et Vie
1 - "Mental training is now an important part in athlete coaching and development. We all have heard about breathing technique, stress management, routines etc. But hypnosis remains a bit mysterious for the vast majority. What is sport hypnosis and how it could be integrated in mental training programs?"
Every mental training procedure, psychological intervention and meditation practice utilises hypnosis. Hypnosis is fundamental to every thought process that you have, as there is a constant communication with the unconscious mind, hence one needs to ensure that all thoughts are set in a positive frame.
2 - "One of the first coaches of Tiger Wood is well known for using hypnosis. Do you know other examples of famous athletes and coaches who regularly use hypnosis?"
This is slightly off topic but Hitler was trained in hypnosis. Once he had sufficient expertise he shot the hypnotist. Marketing, as taught in the West, is founded on the propaganda techniques used by the Hitler regime. All advertising is hypnosis, so to ask for specific examples of famous athletes and coaches who use hypnosis, well they all do, though not necessarily with a full understanding of the process. I have coached a number of professional surfers and sports people using NLP and hypnotherapy.
3 - "We know that peak performance is related to our ability to turn off the left part of our brain and to be able to focus more on our feeling and our senses. Does hypnosis help athlete to develop this instinctive part?"
As stated before hypnosis is a means to communicate with the unconscious mind and the body. As soon as you bring your awareness to the body the thinking mind will lose its energy.
4 - "We can understand this new type of training for elite athletes and team who already have a strong physical and technical basis, but can hypnosis help a young athlete too?
I believe everyone should learn NLP and hypnosis, especially young people, and not just for sports but also for better relationships.
5 - "One of the ability of great champions is to be able to shift their attention very quickly on what really matters. Can we develop this skill through hypnosis?"
Meditation is my preferred method for bringing awareness to the mind.
6 - "Athletes who report to have been "in the zone", often say that their vision was different, their perception was modified (crystal clear vision, enhanced visual acuity, etc.). Under hypnosis, the perceptions are modified too. Can we work our senses awareness through hypnosis in order to reach the same sort of states hoping to enter the Zone more often?"
My understanding through working with athletes is that the zone is deep meditation. Deep trance and deep meditation are identical. All that changes is the context. Some people may dispute me on this but I am totally convinced that deep trance and deep meditation are the same. Knowing this means that we can use hypnosis to speed up the process of entering into deep meditation. And knowing this means an athlete need not waste time trying to understand the abstract concepts of the ‘zone’ when all they need do is get a clear understanding of hypnosis and meditation practice? To see an example of an athlete entering into the zone, see Marion Jones at the Sydney Olympics when she got into position for the hundred yards sprint. Once you can recognise trance you will understand what I mean.
7 - "Some athletes we have interviewed for this article say they practice a sort of "soft eyes" or "dead gaze" during their movement because according to us it allows them at the same time to be focus on their senses and to have a great awareness of their environment. Can the athlete learn hypnosis techniques to put himself in the same sort of state, "focusing on nothing but seeing everything"?"
The soft eyes or dead gaze is nothing but peripheral sensing. This is something that I use extensively with my clientele whether that be for relaxation, meditation, gaining confidence for public speaking, or peak performance in sport.
8 - "How do you see the evolution and future of hypnosis in sports?"
There was a time when people believed that you had to be an gold medalist before you could train a gold medalist at the Olympics. NLP showed that to be patently false. Being good at something does not mean you understand what you do at the level of the unconscious mind. Now more and more trainers are realising the importance of learning the specifics of what actually goes on inside the mind.
Abby Eagle in an interview with Damien Lafont, sports journalist for the European magazine, Sport et Vie (7/11/2010)
"I've been running seriously for five years. I'm 46 years old and thought I'd reached my peak. Since having two consultations with Abby I now feel that I've only just scratched the surface of my full potential. I'm looking forward to getting faster and faster by incorporating the NLP into my training program. My times over 10, 12 and 16 km have improved by an average of 20 seconds. I ran a club 16 km event last week in 1.06.47. I'm looking forward to running my second marathon in under three hours this year." John Carpenter, Mosman Park WA
"My NLP golf session with Abby helped me a lot. The techniques he taught me are really powerful. Anxiety is no longer a problem and I can keep it under control. Negative thinking has been replaced with positive supporting internal dialogue. When I am on the course I am able to turn down any negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts that make me feel good. I am getting good results on the course and my score is improving. I am able to learn from my mistakes more quickly and use the feedback to improve myself. The NLP session with Abby was better than traditional hypnosis. It was more a combination of meditation and self hypnosis - it feels like learning how to use my conscious mind to get in tune with my unconscious mind. Seriously I want to recommend Abby to other golfers. I would also like to add that since the NLP session with Abby not only has my golf improved but my lifestyle is changing too and I am getting improvements with my family and other stuff. I am feeling good." David Lee, Korean American Pro Golfer. Hope Island Resort, Gold Coast Qld Australia
The effectiveness of personal development techniques, such as those found in NLP and hypnotherapy, have been widely embraced by Olympic athletes since East Germany took an inordinate amount of gold medals at the 1980 Olympic games (somewhere around that time).
Sports performance is directly related to the ability of the athlete to utilise the mind-body connection. NLP and hypnotherapy provide a set of tools to help athletes clear emotional blocks, to set clearly defined goals and install them in the future, to model the qualities and attributes of their role models, to build a compelling motivation and to harness the power of the unconscious mind.
In addition 'the zone' that sports people talk about is identical to deep trance and deep meditation. If you want to learn how to get into the zone - a flow state - for sports performance or peak performance in other areas of your life then you should work with a NLP Coach who also has training in hypnosis and meditation.
Book a free no obligation phone, Skype or Zoom session - Take the opportunity to get your questions answered. When you contact us please specify whether you want a free 20 minute interview or whether you want to book a session. What does a coaching session cost? Varsity Lakes Qld - Gold Coast Office |