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Abby Eagle challenge everything for the truth

Get NLP Coached to achieve Trading Excellence... Share Trading / Currency Trading / Forex Trading / Futures Trading / Commodities Trading. Send an email to book a free 20 minute telephone, Skype or Zoom session with Abby Eagle. - NLP Coaching, Hypnotherapy, Meditation. Online NLP coaching - Skype and Zoom sessions. Neuro Linguistic Programming.. Read what others say about NLP Coaching..

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Get NLP Coaching for Online Trading Excellence - Forex Trading - Currency Trading - Share Trading - Futures Trading - Commodities Trading

To achieve online trading excellence you must learn how to master your emotions and follow a system. The technology of NLP Coaching, Hypnotherapy and Meditation in the hands of an experienced practitioner can help you to do just that.

Don't resort to smoking cigarettes and marijuana or drinking alcohol to manage your stress. Instead get coached by Abby Eagle the NLP Trading Coach and learn how to trade the markets like a machine and achieve higher levels of success with regular NLP Coaching.

Read What Chris Has to Say: "Attention Traders: Transform your life and trading with Abby. We all trade our biases which hinders our view of the markets. I am trading with more clarity and zero state emotion. Every session with Abby brought a deeper level of calmness, clarity and confidence. Want to change your perception of the world we share together. With Abby as your mental coach, you will acquire tools for your unlimited potential.

Abby gave me the tools to give up caffeine. I knew this played a huge roll in my critical thinking. I tested my discipline one day by walking thru my favorite coffee shop. I have no desire for caffeinate products moving forward. Caffeine is now behind me. Take the sessions with Abby an eliminate your negative states." Chris C. Commodity Trader USA.

NLP introduction for Traders

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What type of trader are you?

Different types of trading require a different personality type. For example, the short term trader who buys and sells stock on a daily basis is a totally different type of person to the long term trader who may intend to hold the stock for decades. Understanding the personality distinctions involved is essential for long term trading success.

Do you have the trader personality profile for wealth creation?

Understanding the different personality types for wealth creation will help you to focus on your strengths and choose what comes to you most naturally. Each person's uniqueness will motivate them towards either trading shares, futures, options, forex, etc. The type of trading that you choose becomes the vehicle to your lifestyle but as with cars, motor bikes, trucks and planes each vehicle is most easily mastered by a specific personality type that is fueled with the correct trading plan.

Trading plans I know nothing about - there are many experts in the world who can sell you an excellent trading plan. But what I can do as a NLP Coach is to help you get into the drivers seat of your mind and drive your trading vehicle to create the lifestyle that you desire.

Each personality type has its strengths and weaknesses, and it is important to understand what these are, for example. The Wealth Dynamics Accumulator type will have a natural inclination to gather information about every company on the stock exchange before making a decision, just like Warren Buffet. The strength is in gathering information and carefully analysing it before making a decision. Contrast the Accumulator with the Day Trader who buys and sells on a daily basis. The day traders strength come from the ability to recognise minute shifts in the market place and take immediate action. The Accumulator type is slow to action whereas the day trader is quick, more like a martial artist.

So the buy-and-hold trader's sense of time is very different to the short term trader. In NLP we call this a meta program. Meta programs are deep perceptual filters at the level of the unconscious mind that direct decision making processes. To some degree it is important for all types of traders to understand the basic meta programs and how they work to create personality types. Briefly most traders are introverts, they are good with details, rather than have their head in the clouds like their opposite personality type they prefer to be in sensory awareness. Traders are good with timing, procedural, they like to follow a system, like consistency, are more past oriented than future, have their focus on risk management and on what could go wrong more than on what could go right. They make decisions based upon what they think not what they feel.

Trading is 90% psychology. There are heaps of trading programs on the market that work but what holds most people back from trading excellence is their mind set. With NLP Coaching it is possible to develop the mind-set of a star Trader, comparatively speaking, in a very short period of time, as long as you know your stuff.

The basics of trading excellence

Read what others say about NLP Coaching.

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- Put yourself at ease before you book a coaching session.

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