Learn to manage stress using NLP, Hypnotherapy and Meditation. Phone 07 5562 5718 or send an email to book a free 20 minute telephone, Skype or Zoom session with Abby Eagle. You have landed on this page because you want learn how to manage stress using NLP, hypnotherapy and meditation. Gold Coast stress management programs. Neuro Linguistic Programming. NLP Hypnotherapy Meditation Gold Coast, Robina. Online NLP coaching available - Skype and Zoom sessions.
Use NLP to deal with the underlying issues quickly - make rapid gentle change - learn how to master your mind with NLP and self hypnosis - learn how to quieten the internal dialogue with meditation - learn how to experience deep relaxation and deep meditation in a matter of minutes - learn how to program your mind for success. Don't wait until you get sick to learn stress management skills. Take action today and learn how easy it is to meditate.
Stress is the body's way of responding to a stimulus. The stimulus does not always have to be 'bad' in fact people can become stressed from too much of a good thing, for example too much sport or partying. Stress can be caused by a threat to survival, real or imagined, as in a dangerous situation, or in just trying to pay the bills. In some cases stress can result in a post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Stress can be caused by environmental triggers such as cold and heat, sunlight, pollution, noise; by poor or incorrect diet, drug use or lack of sleep. Stress can result from over work or challenging work situations and relationship conflicts. Life seems to offer an unending choice of stressors. The good thing is that we can change our response to at least some of the stressors.
There are a range of treatments for dealing with the effects of stress. These would include treatments for PTSD and health related issues. The medical profession may prescribe mood altering drugs, while naturopaths might give advice on nutrition and supplementation to help the body function better. In addition to resolving past stressful events emphasis is encouraged for preventative measures - hence the term stress management. Into this would fall a host of relaxation type activities, such as taking a holiday, a stay at a health resort, gentle physical exercise such as Tai Chi and Yoga; and meditation type exercises.
As NLP works with the actual structure of the mind it reigns supreme in dealing with stress related issues. Negative emotions that are associated with past events can be released rapidly and gently such that when you check back to those memories afterwards you won't be able to find the negative emotions. In addition, with the aid of NLP, one is able to change the tonality, volume and tempo of the internal dialogue from something that creates internal stress to a thinking pattern that creates confidence and relaxation.
Hypnotherapy and meditation are both excellent for learning how to detach from the constant thinking that goes on in most people's minds. Daily meditation practice is enough for some people, but others need to utilise hypnosis tools to train the body to reach deeper states of relaxation.
"I attended the NLP workshop because I wanted a method to control extreme stresses in my life. I learnt how to do this in one weekend. I was able to cleanse past experience that were distasteful to me and learn something positive from those occasions. What's more I learnt a way to achieve my ambitions and improve my life's values. Now I can relax my mind and body enough to meditate.
Abby's workshop has opened a whole new world for me - previously I felt that workshops such as this were of little or no benefit. I appreciate the doors that have opened for me." Colin Hannan Caloundra, Qld.
Colin echo's the sentiments of many people who feel that NLP and Hypnosis hold little value in being able to manage stress and relax, yet when they are brought to a workshop by a friend these people become immediate converts.
The truth is that NLP, hypnotherapy and meditation are very effective in helping people like you to clear up 'stuff' from the past and manage stress better on a day to day basis. And if you want to learn how to go deep into meditation then hypnosis provides additional tools to help you do that.
Book a free no obligation phone, Skype or Zoom session - Take the opportunity to get your questions answered. When you contact us please specify whether you want a free 20 minute interview or whether you want to book a session. What does a coaching session cost? Varsity Lakes Qld - Gold Coast Office |
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