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Abby Eagle challenge everything for the truth

You have landed on this page because you want to learn how to meditate and explore consciousness... Phone 07 5562 5718 or send an email to book a free 20 minute telephone consultation. NLP Hypnotherapy and Meditation. Gold Coast, Robina, Australia.





A course that combines NLP and Hypnosis with Osho Zen Meditation.

NLP and Zen Meditation workshop

Learn how to meditate online course.

Learn how to break free of your conditioning and set your self on a journey to discover the immense source of love, freedom, happiness and power that lies within you...

Read what Neridah has to say:

"In this course I have discovered how to free myself from my child hood conditioning. The course has made me even more aware of who I am and what wonderful blessings I have in my life. It has given me confirmation that I am on the 'right track'. I loved the course. Thank you very much Abby and much love, Neri" Neridah Leishman, Singer/Songwriter, Miami, Qld

Neridah Leishman NLP


nlp and meditation class gold coastThe success of any venture is to start at the beginning. If you start a journey half prepared then it is highly unlikely that you will reach your destination. If you want to reach the summit of Mount Everest then you had better get both your mind and body in condition otherwise you will never get past first base.

seven week meditation courseSo in the first class you will learn how to grasp the core principles of Zen Meditation.

You see, at school most of us were taught to focus and concentrate on our school work. Unfortunately this narrows down the mind, restricts our creativity and creates tension in the mind and body.

So one of the first things that you will learn is how to use the faculties of peripheral sensing. In peripheral sensing you will learn how to become more in tune with your creative energy, more intuitive, relaxed and open. We then build upon peripheral sensing and practise a series of exercises to help you release the habitual tension of the mind and discover a more aware and relaxed state of mind and body.

In the very first class you will learn some important techniques to help you gain mastery over your mind: you will learn how to become a silent witness to the mind and in the process learn how to quieten the thinking also known as self talk and internal dialogue.

learn to experience deep meditationOrdinarily what could have taken you 20 years to discover by trial and error you can learn in a matter of weeks. Read what Steph has to say:

“I enrolled in Abby's 7 week meditation course because I had been experiencing hindrances in relation to meditation to the point where I had found it to be a chore that I avoided. I was hoping to get a new perspective and renew my motivation. After the course I looked forwards to meditating at home. For those who have struggled with other types of meditation or are in need of a new perspective I think this course is excellent.”  Stephanie Schmidinger


learn to relax the mind with meditationOnce you are able to create a relaxed state of mind then in the second class we move onto learning some powerful NLP techniques.

NLP is short for Neuro-Linguistic Programming and it is an Applied Psychology that allows us to transfer excellence from one person to another. Have you ever wondered why some people achieve greatness and others don’t? This question was addressed in the film, 'The Secret'.

In 'The Secret' they talk about the Laws of Attraction. In Zen and the Art of Living you will learn in detail what they only talked about in the film. So in the second class you will learn a method for setting goals that make them more likely to occur. In fact these tools are so powerful that we talk about ‘result setting’ rather than goal setting.

Then you will learn how to use the Emperor Technique to install your goals in your Timeline. The Emperor Technique is simply amazing. If you have seen The Secret then you will remember the example of the man who wanted to buy a new car. He imagines that he is sitting in the new car with his hands firmly grasped on the steering wheel. This step is important because it gets you to feel what it is like to drive the car but there are still a number of other important steps. In your mind you have to go to a point some months in the future to after when you bought the car so that you feel convinced that you actually did buy the car. And from this position in the future you look back to when you bought the car and see what it was that occurred that allowed you to buy the car. So rather than doing your goal setting from ‘now’ looking towards the future event, you position yourself in the future and look back towards now and see what it was that occurred that allowed you to achieve your goal. You have yet to experience the Emperor Technique but let me tell you about the experience of a Psychology student at our last course. This woman was stressing over writing her PhD proposal. She thought that it would take weeks of hard work but after doing the Emperor Technique she had a sense of knowing that she would complete her PhD. A week later she told me that she had written up the proposal in a few days and it had been easy.

The Emperor Technique is powerful and some successful business people have used it intuitively for years and you will learn the technique when you do the next course.

"The Emperor Technique is the most powerful technique that I have come across!" Anonymous participant


The techniques that you will learn in Zen and the Art of Living are powerful and they work time and time again. Ordinarily NLP techniques are designed to be used by a therapist on a client and they are difficult to do on yourself but I have designed the techniques in this course so that you can do them on your self.

meditation gets resultsRead what Enzo has to say:

"Brilliant course with plenty of tools and techniques to use in everyday life. A profound moment for me was when we did the See-Through-This Meditation and my headache disappeared." Enzo Massignani, Carpenter, Oxenford, Qld.


learn a range of meditation techniquesIn this letter it is not possible to tell you everything that you are going learn at Zen and the Art of Living but let me give you an overview: You will learn a range of Zen meditation exercises to help you create a silent, relaxed state of mind.

  • How to watch the mind, body and emotions.
  • Vipassana and Zazen meditation
  • Peripheral sensing meditation.
  • Kindness and compassion meditation.
  • Adoration and love meditation.
  • Kundalini meditation. A physical meditation in which we gently shake the body and dance to music.
  • Vastness meditation. This is my favourite.
  • See-through-this meditation.
  • Drop-through meditation.
  • Gibberish and laughter meditations.
  • And more...

read what mat says about meditationRead what Mat has to say:

"After Zen and the Art Of Living I have less stress, a calmer more relaxed nature and a clearer head which helps with decision making. I walk around now with this good feeling in my chest that I can't explain but I like it being there. As a father having a calm, relaxed outlook on life and an understanding of others and yourself is an invaluable thing to pass on to your children as they will look at me and hopefully learn this as well. I feel I am a better person after this course (better understand myself) and with ongoing practice I hope to even further improve/discover myself. Thanks Abby and well done." Matthew Rahmate, Registered Nurse/Trader Tweed Hospital, Cudgen, NSW.

learn powerful tools in this meditation classAnd below I have outlined a few of the powerful tools and techniques from NLP that you will learn at this course:

  • Insights into how to discover and follow your essential energy.
  • How to elicit values: Values guide every decision that you make and a difference in values are responsible for conflict in relationships. Learning how to work with values translates into feelings of harmony and being on track with your life.
  • Learn about the Laws of Attraction and how to bring into your life what you want rather than what you don’t want.
  • Get detailed instructions for creating a vision board.
  • Learn how to use Abby’s Bliss Technique to release a negative emotion during your meditation.
  • Learn how to use the Mind Director techniques to change your state from negative to positive even when you are at work.
  • Learn how to put yourself in the winning seat and have it feel natural.
  • Use the Bunny technique to build self esteem and make yourself feel good.
  • Learn how to improve your visualisation capabilities.
  • Learn how to use the Money Magnet technique to attract money, love, relationships, health and opportunities.
  • And a lot more…

Don't leave life to chance. Be one of the few who know the secret of creating their own destiny.

At your first class you will receive a comprehensive 230 page manual. It covers in detail everything that you will learn at the course with all of the techniques and exercises written in such a way that you can also teach the techniques to others. It is the sort of manual that you will want to share with your friends.

register for gold coast meditation classIf you are not yet convinced that you want to register for Zen and the Art of Living today then I invite you to hear what Julie has to say:

"After the course I feel excited with life and more positive. I have learned to focus on what I want and not on what I don't want. There is less stress, I am more relaxed and at peace with myself. I am able to express what I am feeling rather than keeping the emotions inside. I enjoyed the course - it made me feel happy and at peace with myself." Julie Sinclair, Sales Agent, Tweed Heads, Qld.

If you are interested in attending Zen and the Art of Living then write the dates in your diary today then reorganise your life so that you are ready to come to the next course.

meditation classes held on the gold coastVenue: Bond University Robina on the Gold Coast.
Seven evenings. Usually a Wednesday: 6:45pm - 9.30pm

nlp and meditation class held at bond university
Bond University Robina


This course comes with a comprehensive 230 page manual.

meditation manual for easy reference




On completion of the course you will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

Receive a certificate of attendance when you complete Zen and the Art of Living.

Read what others say about Zen and the Art of Living

We will use lecture and experiential methods to fully involve you in the course materials.







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