Dealing with addictions is easier than you think. Phone Abby Eagle on 07 5562 5718 or send an email to book a free 20 minute telephone or Skype consultation. The addiction model and traditional therapies miss the fact that THE THOUGHT DRIVES THE BEHAVIOUR. In other words a thought arises to smoke a joint. So if you deal with the thought using NLP and Self Hypnosis and redirectionalise the mind then the smoking does not happen. NLP Gold Coast and Hypnotherapy Gold Coast, Robina. Neuro Linguistic Programming sessions - Drug and Alcohol rehab program Gold Coast - NLP online coaching available on Skype.
By Abby Eagle (2016)
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The mind is like a television set that is switched on 24 hours a day. At least with a television set you can change the channel, turn down the volume or switch it off but for many people the mind never stops harassing them with stressful thoughts. And that is why you will hear people say on Friday afternoon, “Let’s get out of it tonight. Let’s get smashed. Let’s get wiped out.” What they are indicating is that the mind causes them so much pain and suffering that they need to resort to drugs and alcohol to get some respite. In fact, I have noted that people smoke cigarettes and marijuana, drink alcohol, take prescription drugs, eat chocolate, constantly snack or over eat because they are trying to suppress negative emotions such as stress, loneliness and boredom, and as a means to bring in a positive state such as confidence and relaxation, or as a way to give themselves something like love and nurturance.
The solution is to learn how to become the master of the mind rather than its slave. We do this by systematically exploring the structure and mechanisms of the mind. We work with processes of the mind rather than content. That is, it is not so important what stresses someone as to how they can better respond to it. In this way we place the emphasis on changing ourselves before changing others. Combine NLP with Hypnosis and Meditation to relax both mind and body in a fraction of the time that it takes with traditional procedures.
If you want to quit smoking marijuana then I invite you to think of it as a challenge. This immediately should get you thinking of how to move from the back seat into the drivers seat of your life.
As I said before, in general, people smoke cigarettes, marijuana, drink alcohol, eat chocolate and overeat because they are trying to suppress and medicate a negative emotion like boredom, loneliness, stress and anxiety. On the other hand they are trying to bring in a positive feeling like confidence and relaxation. In some cases they are trying to give themselves something like love or nurturance. So the bad habit has a positive intention, that is it serves them in some way. More often than not they are trying to quieten their internal dialogue – that is quieten their mind.
Some smokers will claim that they have an addiction to the THC in marijuana. On some level this could be true but then using the addiction model we could say that people could get addicted to any emotional state. For example, any activity which has a strong emotional component like surfing, dancing, sky diving and sex can be thought of as an addiction but is this useful?
If you think of yourself as having an addiction then does this put you in the back seat or the drivers seat of your mind? Using marijuana as an example, the smoker has to know when to light up. The joint doesn’t just light itself and jump into the mouth. The smoker is the one doing the smoking. They have to know when to smoke. There will be some trigger – could be an external trigger like the sight of something or someone. Could be an internal trigger like a picture in the mind, a feeling or a thought. And this is where NLP excels. NLP gives us tools and techniques to help people get inside their mind and discover how it works such that you can change your mind and behaviour. NLP shows you how to get in to the drivers seat of your mind.
Continuing with our smoking example, there has to be a thought process. Either an image, internal dialogue or feeling arises. For example, the person thinks to them self. “I need a smoke.” And because of the way the visual, auditory and kinaesthetic cortex’s are connected in the brain there is synaesthesia between the senses. What this means is that if you think the words to have a smoke there will probably be an associated image and feeling. The body sensation, the feeling that is associated with the thought is commonly known as the craving.
By bringing awareness to the self talk and changing the sub distinctions like volume, tonality and tempo, and then directing the unconscious mind to access a resource state like playfulness and inserting a positive statement that is conducive to achieving a desired outcome the brain learns, “Not the thought for a joint but this other positive thought.” So we redirectionalise the brain by mobilising internal resources. This puts you squarely in the power seat of your mind and ultimately your life.
If you want some help with quiting marijuana I can give you three options. The first is to book a session and come and see me in my office on the Gold Coast. The second is to book a Skype session. And the third is to enrol in my online quit smoking marijuana course. For more information please contact Abby Eagle using the contact form at the top right of this page.
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